Located at the foot of the Pleasant Hill just South of the John Muir Parkway in the city of Martinez, the 4.35 acre campus includes a proposed tree grove arrival plaza at Glacier Drive, an existing symbolic mature Valley Oak and 300 ft tall radio tower, a new public/media plaza and a half-acre enhanced redwood grove with stormwater mitigation. The Campus is organized by a 900 ft long east-west internal pedestrian promenade with deciduous trees on the south side of the promenade providing shade in the summer and colorful seasonal foliage in the fall. Leading to the heart of the new campus, the promenade is flanked by the sloped planting path that greets the visitors from the public/media plaza from the north. A bosque of flowering trees frames the public entrance to the building. Along Muir Drive the proposed native redwood trees and understory planting create a diverse redwood forest ecology that not only facilitates the best practice management for stormwater but also provide a source of public inspiration “where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul – John Muir”.
CLIENT: Contra Costa County
ARCHITECT: RossDrulisCusenbery Architecture
TYPOLOGY: Police Emergency Center | Civil Space
SIZE: 4.4 Acres
LOCATION: Martinez, California
SCOPE: SD/Bridging Documents/CA review
AWARD: AIA Redwood Empire, 2020 Citation Award